Special Education Audit, Results and Plans
At the August 22 meeting of the Board of Education, Dr. Gino Priolo, Director of Special Education, made a presentation about the Special Education audit held during the last school year. He reviewed the audit and its recommendations, describing what has been completed and what will be addressed this year.
The Haddonfield Sun wrote a detailed article about the presentation and Dr. Priolo’s follow-up comments.
Dr. Priolo’s presentation to the Board
Dr. Priolo’s “Summary of 2019 Audit Recommendations” presentation
Video Honoring District’s Inclusive Practices Released
Friends, we are proud to share this video with you, created by the New Jersey Coalition for Inclusive Education (NJCIE). It was shot in our classrooms in May and shown at the NJCIE conference on June 25th where Dr. Gino Priolo and our entire district were honored.
As originally reported in April when the award was announced, and again in the June issue of the district newsletter, Haddonfield Schools and Dr. Priolo were honored for inclusive special education programming. (The June issue is the next News story on this website.)
Congratulations to all!
The Future of Scheduling, Teaching and Learning at HMS & HMHS
A Google Slide presentation on the topic of potential changes to the academic schedule for both the Haddonfield Middle School and Haddonfield Memorial High School given at a meeting of the Board of Education, Thursday, March 28, 2019.